If you are interested in becoming involved with a JABA committee, please contact the committee chair. We welcome your involvement!
Business Lawyers Group
BLG offers programs of interest to business lawyers, including receptions with elected and appointed officials.
Eric Nishizawa – en@nishizawalawoffices.com
Kenneth Tanaka – kentanaka@us.mufg.jp
Colin Kawaguchi – ckawaguchi@npwlaw.com
Community Education Committee
The Community Education Committee sponsors and coordinates law days and legal clinics for the community and partners with other community service organizations to provide legal education. The CEC also publishes the JABA Attorneys List which includes members who volunteer to be on the list for public distribution. (JABA does not endorse any of the attorneys listed.)
Ayano Wolff – ayano.wolff@dss.ca.gov
Corporate Affairs
The Corporate Affairs committee handles corporate governance issues, including the annual meeting, elections, changes to articles of incorporation, and the bylaws.
Catherine Endo Chuck – cchuck@mcbirneychuck.com
Ryan Iwasaka – riwasaka@ggfirm.com
In-House Group
The In-House Group focuses on the needs of in-house attorneys, including networking, mentoring, and continuing education.
Mark Furuya – mfuruya@tcco.com
Ryan Sakamoto – rtsakamoto@hotmail.com
Glenn Inanaga– glenn.inanaga@pandarg.com
Judicial/Non-Judicial Appointments
The Judicial/Non-Judicial Appointments Committee sponsors a mentorship program matching attorneys interested in judicial appointments with members of the bench and evaluates candidates for judicial and non-judicial appointments. If you are a member interested in becoming a judge or commissioner or a member of the judiciary who would like to become a mentor, please contact:
Mike Madokoro – mike.madokoro@bowmanandbrooke.com
Gary Tokumori – gtokumori@pmcos.com
Stephanie Yonekura – stephanie.yonekura@hoganlovells.com
Law Students Committee
The Law Students Committee provides support to law student associations at area schools in co-sponsoring conferences, seminars, and job fairs.
Susan Roe – sroe@pubdef.lacounty.gov
Stephen Franz – stephenfranz@dwt.com
The Media committee maintains the JABA website, Facebook page, and LinkedIn account. If you would like your event added to the JABA calendar, or if you have photos to share or general inquiries, please contact the administrators at media@jabaonline.org. For members interested in joining the Media committee, please contact:
Marty Chao – martyc@sheingroup.com
Mark Furuya – mfuruya@tcco.com
The Membership Committee maintains the JABA membership list. If you would like to join JABA or renew your membership, please download the membership application and/or contact:
Ryan Iwasaka – riwasaka@ggfirm.com
The Mentorship Committee oversees JABA’s Mentorship Program which pairs law students and young attorneys with seasoned practitioners in Mentorship Families to foster organic, long-term relationships that promote professional and personal growth. To apply, please visit www.jabaonline.com/mentorship. You can also follow @jabamentorship on Instagram.
Steve Yoda – sky@walzermelcher.com
Staci Tomita – stomita@soolp.com
Karyn Ihara – karyn.ihara@lewisbrisbois.com
The Programs committee plans a variety of programs for JABA members, including networking receptions, the annual Marco Polo night, Dodgers night, MCLE seminars, and annual holiday party/toy drive for non-profit organizations.
Mark Furuya - mfuruya@tcco.com
Lindsey Sugimoto – lindsey.sugimoto@lw.com
The Shin Issei/Japanese Lawyers Group
The Shin Issei/Japanese Lawyers Group works to foster closer relationships between JABA and its members and Shin Issei and Japanese lawyers in Southern California, including Japanese lawyers and professionals who attend LL.M. programs at U.S. law schools. The Shin Issei/Japanese Lawyers Group organizes events to provide networking opportunities among these groups. We also invite members of the judiciary and other community and business leaders, as well as Consul General of Japan and other consular officials, to the events.
Harumi Hata – hhata@buchalter.com
Colin Kawaguchi – ckawaguchi@npwlaw.com
Young Lawyers Group
The JABA Young Lawyers Group provides younger JABA members with networking opportunities and mentors who will provide career guidance. YLG offers a mentorship program which pairs up younger members with more experienced JABA attorneys.
Kari Kadomatsu – kkadomatsu@snw-law.com
Candice Shikai – cshikai@gmail.com
Stephen Franz – stephenfranz@dwt.com
Looking for an Attorney?
The JABA Attorneys List includes members who volunteer to be on the list for public distribution.
Judicial Candidate Mentoring Program
If you are interested in becoming a judge or commissioner, or if you are a judicial officer interested in mentoring, please contact Judicial Appointments Committee Chair Mike Madokoro at (310) 380-6519. You must be a JABA member to participate.